If you are a small and medium-sized enterprise(SME) owner, then you need to read this article. Why? Because even if you have limited resources, you can still market your business without incurring huge expenses. If a one-man shop made it, then you can make it too.

A successful business is built on strong foundations. If you’re starting a small business with little money, it’s important to take the time to lay the foundation properly. These six tips have helped me grow my own business from the ground up and helped me stay in control and on budget.

1. Know your audience:

Going into a new business venture blind is dangerous. Before you even think about spending your hard-earned money on marketing, you need to spend some time understanding your market, your competitors and how you can stand out from the crowd.

2. Focus on Value proposition:

You should never make a promise that you can’t keep (or that you don’t know for sure that you can keep). Chances are, if you’re starting a business with little money, you’re going to need every single one of those customers! So focus on delivering real value and ensuring that your customer gets that value before they even make their first purchase.

3. Stick to singular goals & objectives:

When starting a small business with little money, it’s easy to get side tracked by multiple goals and objectives. Remember that your focus should be on achieving one goal at a time and when you’ve achieved it, move onto the next one. This will help keep things simple whilst.

4. Build a User Friendly Website:

Just like it sounds, your website should be easy for anyone to access and use. Don’t use complicated language or overly fancy graphics that could confuse or anger your visitors. Make sure that all of your links work, and if you have any contact information at all on your site, make sure that it is correct. It may seem basic, but you’d be surprised by how many websites fail on this front.

5. Create engaging ad campaigns:

whether that’s through videos, text ads or other types of content, and make sure they’re targeted at the right audience — not everyone will convert on every type of ad, but if you make it relevant to their lives, they’ll be more likely to respond.

6. Be consistent on social media:

Dedicate minimum 1-2 hrs for social media. Post at the same times every day and respond to customer comments in a timely manner. It’s also a good idea to interact with other companies on social media by liking, commenting, and sharing their posts. Even though you’re probably using social media for personal reasons, your small business is on display. Don’t forget to act professionally in your interactions with other businesses, as well as your customers. Just because you’re talking about personal things doesn’t mean you shouldn’t maintain a professional tone when interacting with others.

Small businesses, as well as medium-sized businesses (SMEs) with limited funds, may find that it is difficult to advertise or market their products in a big way. Using the strategies that I mentioned in this article, you can still effectively advertise your business with little money. If you need any help regarding Marketing and Branding feel free to contact us via mail [email protected]